1h 50min | English | Produced by Jennifer Chan
Directed by Tim Bohrman & Porter Durkee
On a quest to protect the Kingdom of Scrofar from the wrath of the Sorceress Naavessek, four heroes discover, build, and break the bonds of blood and family.
Starring James Purr, Chloe Smith, and Holland Hill
Written and Directed by Tim Bohrman and Porter Durkee
Executive Produced by Jennifer Chan
Premiere Screening on July 22nd 2023
Entering festival run Winter 2024
Selected for New York Lift Off Film Festival 2024
The Warlock Ruzkasumron
King Rory and Queen Anna
Queen Axenia and King Rory
The Warlock Ruzkasumron
Writer/directors Porter Durkee (left) and Tim Bohrman (right) get the perfect shot
Tim Bohrman as DP, Tyler O'Toole recording sound, Porter Durkee directing
Set decorator Julia Diorio paints the banner of Scrofar
Sound recordist PJ Shurman
Ed Durkee recording sound, Holland Hill and James Purr acting as Queen Axenia and King Rory, Tim Bohrman and Porter Durkee acting as Declan and Gryffith.
Porter Durkee recording sound, actress Madison Vendel as Lady Elvira, Tim Bohrman directing the set
Grip Clark Rubin marks the slate